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Stumbling on Happiness

Stumbling on Happiness

Understand happiness with Stumbling on Happiness on Bookdio. Daniel Gilbert’s audiobook summary explores the science behind what truly makes us happy and why we often get it wrong.

Book Written by DANIEL GILBERT

Summary Narrated by Bookdio

Genre: Psychology


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​About the book Stumbling on Happiness

Hold tight because Stumbling on Happiness is about to change the way you think about, well, happiness! Daniel Gilbert takes us on a wild ride through the fascinating science of why we often get it wrong when trying to predict what will make us happy. Spoiler alert: We humans are hilariously bad at knowing what we really want. But don’t worry—Gilbert’s sharp wit and brilliant insights make this book a joyride you don’t want to miss! First, let’s get one thing straight: happiness isn’t about the big dreams we chase or the perfect plans we make. Gilbert explains how our brains love to imagine the future, but here’s the catch—it’s not always accurate. Picture yourself fantasizing about landing that dream job or going on an epic vacation. Feels great, right? Well, turns out, reality is often less thrilling than what your brain cooked up. Gilbert dives into the science of this “miswanting,” and it’s a total game-changer. One of the coolest lessons from the book is how our brains fill in gaps. Ever played a guessing game and filled in the blanks with what seems right? That’s how our minds predict future happiness. But here’s the twist: we rely on our memories to make these predictions, and those memories? They’re not as reliable as we think. The brain edits, skips details, and even lies to us. Wild, right? Gilbert uses humor and real-life examples to show just how often we fool ourselves. Another mind-blowing takeaway is how we overestimate the impact of big events on our happiness. Winning the lottery? Not as life-changing as you think. A breakup? Won’t ruin your life forever. Gilbert explains something called “the psychological immune system,” which helps us bounce back from bad stuff and get bored of good stuff faster than we expect. It’s like an emotional reset button we didn’t even know we had. And here’s where it gets even juicier: Gilbert busts the myth that there’s a “perfect path” to happiness. He shows how people often find joy in unexpected places. Think of all those times you stumbled upon a hobby, relationship, or job you didn’t plan for, and it turned out amazing. Life’s curveballs, Gilbert argues, can be more satisfying than those meticulously planned goals. Now, if this has you excited for more, head over to Bookdio, the best free book summary site. Whether you prefer an Audio Book Summary for on-the-go listening or a book pdf download to read at your pace, Bookdio has you covered. Gilbert’s light, fun tone makes you feel like you’re chatting with a friend who also happens to be a psychology genius. He doesn’t just tell you how happiness works—he helps you laugh at all the ways we get it wrong. This isn’t some dry academic lecture; it’s a thrilling mix of science, humor, and “aha!” moments that will stick with you. Ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about happiness? Dive into Stumbling on Happiness and let Bookdio be your one-stop shop for life-changing insights. You might just stumble upon a whole new way to find joy!

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