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What Every Body Is Saying

What Every Body Is Saying

Master body language with What Every Body Is Saying on Bookdio. Joe Navarro’s audiobook summary reveals insights into nonverbal communication from an FBI expert.

Book Written by JOE NAVVARRO

Summary Narrated by Bookdio

Genre: Psychology


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​About the book What Every Body Is Saying

Ever wish you could read people like an open book? Well, What Every Body Is Saying by Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent, is your ultimate guide to understanding human behavior. This isn’t about mind games or guessing—it’s about decoding the subtle body language that people unintentionally reveal when they’re feeling something, thinking something, or hiding something. Navarro, with his decades of experience in the FBI, breaks down how to read these cues and gives you the tools to understand what's going on inside someone’s head. The big idea behind the book is that body language speaks louder than words. Navarro shows you that our bodies are always giving us away—even when our mouths are trying to hide what we’re really thinking. From the way someone’s feet are positioned to the slightest twitch of a hand, every movement is a clue that can tell you whether someone is being truthful, uncomfortable, or even lying. The best part? You don’t need to be a trained detective to spot these things. With a little practice, you can start picking up on the signs that people are showing you every day. One of the first things Navarro explains is how to spot when someone’s uncomfortable. It’s not just about the obvious signs—like fidgeting or crossing arms. It’s the little things, like how a person avoids eye contact or shifts their posture. When someone feels threatened or unsure, their body will give them away. And once you know what to look for, you can start to see these signs everywhere, whether you’re in a job interview, negotiating a deal, or just talking to someone in a social setting. But it’s not all about discomfort. Navarro also goes into how to read when someone is genuinely open or comfortable. For example, a person who’s genuinely interested in what you’re saying will lean slightly toward you, have open body language, and make frequent eye contact. It’s not always about words—it’s about how their body is responding to what’s happening in the conversation. Of course, being able to read someone’s body language isn’t about judging them; it’s about understanding them better. Navarro talks about how to use these skills to improve your relationships, make better decisions, and even avoid being manipulated. You’ll learn how to pick up on signs that someone might be hiding something, like how their feet point away from you when they’re talking or how they might touch their nose or mouth more often when they’re lying. It’s not foolproof, but it gives you an edge in understanding what's really going on beneath the surface. Navarro also dives deep into the “clusters” of body language—multiple signals that work together to reveal someone’s true feelings. For example, if someone is rubbing their forehead, avoiding eye contact, and shifting in their seat, these aren’t just random actions—they’re signs that something is bothering them. By looking at several cues together, you can get a clearer picture of what’s happening. The best part is that you can use these skills in all aspects of your life, from business to relationships to personal interactions. Want to ace that job interview? Pay attention to the way the interviewer is sitting or what their face is doing. Need to know if your friend is really happy for you, or just pretending? Body language has the answer. If you don’t have time to read the entire book, you can catch the main points with an Audio Book Summary. Or, if you prefer to study the details at your own pace, a book pdf download from the best free book summary site like Bookdio will do the trick. Whether you read it all or just get the highlights, What Every Body Is Saying gives you a practical and eye-opening look at the unspoken language of human behavior. Once you understand these signals, you'll find yourself noticing things about people that you never did before—and you’ll be better at understanding what they’re really saying without ever opening their mouth.

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